First, download the app from your app store “Charm mPHR”. Login with the username and password you set up when you received a link to get registered for the portal.

You are also able to view and pay invoices as well as view receipts for previously paid services. This is important as you will not be able to start your appointments unless the visit is paid for in full first.

On the Dashboard page, you can see your current height, weight, and BP (patient-entered data). You can also see upcoming appointments. Important announcements are also located at the top of the page.

Click on the “My Health” Tab on the lower right and you’ll be brought to a new screen. At the top of this page, you can view/cancel/schedule appointments, message the provider, fill our questionaires that are assigned to you, and view/create medication reminders.

Click on the “Wellness” tab. Here, you can track your vitals, weight, height, physical activities, water intake, calories, steps, and sleep.